Scripts can take in variables passed in under the data section.
You’ll want a way to map each sensor to whatever notify you have. My guess from your one example is sensor 01 calls notify.sendmail01, sensor 02 would be notify.sendmail02, etc.
Looking at the smtp integration, it seems like you’re stuck having 20 of those separate since it doesn’t have a “target” input.
# Inputs to this scirpt are
# id: sensor id
# title: email title
# message: email message
# html: extra html stuff
alias: Send Mail
- service: "notify.sendmail{{id}}"
title: "{{title}}"
message: "{{message}}"
html: "{{html}}"
Then you would simply call your script passing those in via the data section.
- action: script.send_mail_script
id: 01
title: "Test Title"
message: "Test Message"
html: " ... "
So the trick would be to extract all of that info from a single automation based on the sensor.
You can figure that part out on your own, and even use what I’m about to show you below. I propose you ditch the script entirely since it’s just doing an extra step that isn’t needed. Since we are going to be templating the single automation, we will already have to extract this info, so there is no need to have the script do it.
To do this all in a single automation (no script required), I’m going to use the new (since 0.115) variables section. Before this, I would advice you name all of your sensors in such a way that you can extract some info from them. For example sensor.<platform>_<id>_<type> such that no matter what you have, you could extract the given id from any sensor with some template magic.
In this example, just create the variable map.
The advantage of using this map like this is you don’t have to have a consistent naming structure for all of your sensors, and can easily add new ones. All I’m doing is mapping a sensor to its own personal information.
id: '1603195752548'
alias: Sensor notify
# Allow multiple sensors to trigger this at the same time, but queue them
# just incase the smtp service can't handle multiple calls at once.
mode: queued
# Assumes a list of sensors who's state is some numeric value.
# Not sure if we can have periods in yaml keys, so just store the object_id as the lookup.
id: 01
trigger_value: 900
email_title: "Title for sensor 01"
email_message: "Message for sensor 01"
email_html: "..."
id: 02
trigger_value: 204
email_title: "Title for sensor 02"
email_message: "Message for sensor 02"
email_html: "..."
# Unless you turn on the beta template list feature in 0.117, we can't
# generate a list from yaml. It's a little unfortunate that we have to repeate
# the sensor names here.
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.netatmo_01_co2
- sensor.random_sensor
# Optional, allow each sensor to define its own trigger condition rather than
# use the same value for each one.
above: "{{ my_sensors[state.object_id].trigger_value }}"
condition: []
- variables:
# Get the notify from the lookup table. Creating another variables section
# so we don't have to type my_sensors[XXXXX] a bunch below in the event
# we want to call multiple services. In this case, it's the same amount :P
notify_service: "notify.sendmail{{my_sensors[trigger.to_state.object_id].id}}"
the_title: "{{my_sensors[trigger.to_state.object_id].email_title}}"
the_message: "{{my_sensors[trigger.to_state.object_id].email_message}}"
the_html: "{{ my_sensors[trigger.to_state.object_id].email_html}}"
- service: "{{ notify_service}}"
title: "{{the_title}}"
message: "{{the_message}}"
html: "{{the_html}}"
Basically, by using the variables section, we can store a bunch of info in a single place to reference it in all parts of the automation. Before, we would have to duplicate this information at every single template which was a pain.