Hello Community!
Is it possible to trigger an automation slightly before I restart home assistant? I want to let my other colleagues know that a restart is happening in a few seconds.
Hello Community!
Is it possible to trigger an automation slightly before I restart home assistant? I want to let my other colleagues know that a restart is happening in a few seconds.
Yes you can.
- id: affb7625-0dc2-4075-88a9-6eae3563af6c
alias: 'Shutdown'
platform: homeassistant
event: 'shutdown'
- service: notify.telegram_system
title: '⚠️ *System shutdown*'
message: >
Home Assistant is shutting down.
{{ now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") }}
And after it has started again:
- id: 46ba1b3e-14bc-4237-abb6-e9146eacc575
alias: 'Startup'
platform: homeassistant
event: start
- service: notify.telegram_system
title: '✅ *System startup*'
message: >
Home Assistant has started.
{{ now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") }}
Big thank you! Is it possible without using telegram? With notify.notify?
Indeed it is.
alias: "Reboot | Benachrichtigung "
description: ""
- platform: homeassistant
event: shutdown
- service: notify.notify
title: Neustart des Servers
mode: single
If i press on restart in developer tools for example, no notification happens any thoughts?
Can you send any notifications with notify.notify
yes, tested right now.
shutdown does not send the notification, it also does not show up in the trace of the automation. As if it was never triggered by shutdown event.