Hi Community,
So I got around to implementing notifications, it works just fine albeit some gotchas (mainly to my setup.) I was originally use SMS:
- name: sms
platform: smtp
server: smtp.mysmtpd
sender_name: "HASS Notification"
sender: ''
- '[email protected]'
- '[email protected]'
This works OK but the problem (for me, not my wife) is my carrier sends it as a new service number per message whereas her carrier it all groups under one service number. So we decided to try FB Messenger as we both use it.
Got it all set up and tested but I don’t like that I have to do this:
- service: automation.turn_off
entity_id: automation.hallwayawaymotion
# - service: notify.sms
# data:
# message: "Hallway motion detected."
- service: notify.fbmsg
message: "Hallway motion detected."
- '+1xxxxxxxxxx'
- '+1xxxxxxxxxx'
As you can see from the commented section, using sms was cleaner (imo) whereas with FB Messenger, I have to specify the target: in each notification rather than specifying recipients like I do for SMS. Does the FB Messenger notify support this? I couldn’t find any examples and the documentation has it in every automation which is a PITA in my opinion.
Here’s my FB Messenger notify config:
- name: fbmsg
platform: facebook
page_access_token: redacted