Notification progress bar

Android allows to set a progress for notifications. I suggest to add this to the notify service to allow the visualization of progress. For example I have several smart household appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, dryer) and I update myself on the status using notifications. It could also be used for countdowns or to show remaining inventory (e.g. printers).

I love that idea. Would be great for washers, too.

Nice idea, and already possible! :slight_smile:

For future reference, please be so kind and do a search and/or ask, before you open a feature request. And please, if you link to documents or such, use english documents. It won’t help your case, if people click the link and find a documentation that is not in the agreed on language. :slight_smile: EDIT: that was Google
translating automatically, sorry.

Anyway, for “timer” cases, there is the chronometer setting, that you can use in the companion app. :slight_smile:

See here:

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into this.
To be fair though: The documentation lacks any of the keywords I was looking for. I am also not sure if this would be applicable to tasks where there is only a progress (0% to 100% - e.g. file transfer) and not a fixed duration. Maybe this could be hacked into functioning for these cases. So I still think there are some improvements to be desired.