Notification (with sound) if Raspi has no Internet Connection?

Hello my name is Franzi and I am new to Home Assistant.
At first, sorry for my bad english. I will try my best :upside_down_face:
For the last year I use IOBROKER for my smarthome on my RaspberryPi. Now I switch to HomeAssistant.

Now my question. My Raspi has no active internet connection. I want to use my smarthome only on my local network. Is ist possible to get a notification on my mobile phone with a sound without an active internet connection of my Raspi?

A persistent_notification comes to my HomeAssistant App on my mobile without an active internet connection of my Raspi (my Raspi send it over Wifi). It’s ok, but i have no sound on my mobile.

A notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here> will send to my mobile phone only with an active internet connection of my Raspi. I think its needs an external server.

Have you any ideas for a solution, or is it impossible without an internet connection of my Raspi?

Greetings from Franzi :raising_hand_woman: :raising_hand_woman:

Use something like Uptimerobot to monitor the external URL of your HA instance and alert you if connection is lost.