Notification with Variables

Are there any variables that can be used with notifications. For example, I have notifications configured in Hubitat cor when my front door opens but I leverage the %time% and %text% variable in Hubitat to place the time and what actually happened in the notification.

I want to start moving everything over to home assistant and was curious if there was anything similar with HA.

You can add pretty much anything in the messages.
Variables or text from the web.

I understand %time% but %text% is a bit hard to understand what that means.

Presumably in hubitat if you choose to send a notification based on a door being opened, %text% probably contains a system generated string about the event that happened.

I would assume so too, but given that OP wrote is as %text% and not “door opened” I figured I would have to ask.

Correct, %text% contains the device and the event that occurred so it would have in the notification :

%time% | %text. Would look something like this:

3:00pm | Front Door was unlocked

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So, that would be

{{ states('sensor.time') }} | {{ trigger.attributes.friendly_name }} was {{ trigger.to_state }}

or something like it.

But yes that is possible