Notifications coming late bundled together

Hello i have a Galaxy A51
Builld o SM-A515F
Android version 11 kernel 4.14.113
App version 2021.12.3-full
Ha version: core-2021.12.7

And i tried all i can think of to get the notification to come in real time because i want to be able to see my mailman and to open the door.

I turned all of the following:

  • Battery optimisation for the companion app
  • Allowed to run in background
  • Turned of Developer Adaptive notification Priority and ranking

I am creating a Chanel to send my notification with high priority…

Dont know what else to do… ANY help is welcome :blush:

This is the notficiation im sending:

importance: high
ttl: 0
channel: Motion
timeout: 240
  - action: openDoorManually
    title: Open Door now
  - action: cancelDoorOpen
    title: Cancel Automation!!!

The notification are random… somtimes it gets momenteraly and somtimes i get like 5 messages from ha bundled… no idea why.

You are missing priority: high per the docs


hmmm thought it is importance: sigh, go figure…

Thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t it make sense to always send the messages with priority high as default?
So if I send a notification and does not specify the priority HA adds priority high, only if I manually select low is it preserved as low?

No because Android will rate limit you eventually so best to leave it up too the user as to how they want to handle critical notifications.

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