Hello i have a Galaxy A51
Builld o SM-A515F
Android version 11 kernel 4.14.113
App version 2021.12.3-full
Ha version: core-2021.12.7
And i tried all i can think of to get the notification to come in real time because i want to be able to see my mailman and to open the door.
I turned all of the following:
- Battery optimisation for the companion app
- Allowed to run in background
- Turned of Developer Adaptive notification Priority and ranking
I am creating a Chanel to send my notification with high priority…
Dont know what else to do… ANY help is welcome
This is the notficiation im sending:
importance: high
ttl: 0
channel: Motion
timeout: 240
- action: openDoorManually
title: Open Door now
- action: cancelDoorOpen
title: Cancel Automation!!!
The notification are random… somtimes it gets momenteraly and somtimes i get like 5 messages from ha bundled… no idea why.