Notifications for Android/Fire-TV: path for mdi-icon

Hi all,
I am struggeling with YAML entry for the icon: section. I’d like to use an mdi-icon like “mdi:phone-ring”. I tried:

  url: "mdi:phone-ring"

but icon doesn’t show up.

This doesn’t work as well :frowning:

  url: ""

This works:

     url: ""

But with local path not :frowning:

   path: "/root/media/image.jpg"

What can I change to have mdi-icons and local path images?


Log says:

 Logger: homeassistant.components.nfandroidtv.notify
Source: components/nfandroidtv/
Integration: Notifications for Android TV / Fire TV (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 29. April 2022, 11:06:41 (23 occurrences)
Last logged: 30. April 2022, 18:21:45

    'mdi:phone-ring' is not secure to load data from!
    '/root/media/phone-ring.svg' is not secure to load data from!
    '300px-Harzer_Fuchs_Huendin_2.jpg' is not secure to load data from!
    '/root/media/300px-Harzer_Fuchs_Huendin_2.jpg' is not secure to load data from!
    '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/htop.svg' is not secure to load data from!

so, how can I make image sources secure?

an also:

 Logger: homeassistant.components.nfandroidtv.notify
Source: components/nfandroidtv/
Integration: Notifications for Android TV / Fire TV (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 29. April 2022, 11:03:59 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 30. April 2022, 18:36:43
Can't load from url or local path: No connection adapters were found for 'mdi:phone-ring'

what are “connection adapters”?

and did you get it to work?
I want to show mdi-icons also.

It doesn’t work for me either

  url: "mdi:phone-ring"
  path: "/local/img/galaxy.jpeg"

This works if you have a public facing url, say if you are using duckdns… this may also work with NabuCasa cloud if you use your NabuCasa url:

icon: "https://<your_public_ip_or_url>:<port-probably-8123>/local/image.png"

At the end I got it working for me:

mkdir ~/config/www

copied needed pictures to that directory

here is my config in node red:

   "title":"Anruf von {{ states.sensor.fritz_box_7590_ui_call_monitor_telefonbuch.attributes.from_name }}",
   "message":"{{ states.sensor.fritz_box_7590_ui_call_monitor_telefonbuch.attributes.from }} <br>{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%a %d.%m.%Y %H:%M') }}",
   "data": {
       "duration": 20,
       "fontsize": "large",
       "position": "bottom-left",
       "color": "indigo",
       "image": {
       "url": ""
