Notifications - No Connection

Okay, so I am scratching my head here, trying to think if I have missed something or am not aware of some configuration… here is the situation. I am not connected to my home network, no WiFi, No Bluetooth or NFC radios are switch on on my phone. I am completely unable to access my network including my HA instance. HA is not setup for external access, no DDNS etc.

Playing around with an Aqara mini switch button, i setup an automation so i could work out the states of the device, pressed one twice and held down etc. When the condition is met, i get a notification with the corresponding action.

So if all the above is in play, why or how am i getting notifications from HA if i have not access to the HA instance on the network and I am completely disconnected.

See the attached screen recording. granted I don’t have video footage of me pressing the button and the notification showing but I assure you this was me clicking the mini switch.

Home assistant uses Firebase Cloud Messaging, one way only. From HA to the mobile app via your cell service.

Yeah, this took me a while to figure out as well. I was super confused :laughing: