Okay, so I am scratching my head here, trying to think if I have missed something or am not aware of some configuration… here is the situation. I am not connected to my home network, no WiFi, No Bluetooth or NFC radios are switch on on my phone. I am completely unable to access my network including my HA instance. HA is not setup for external access, no DDNS etc.
Playing around with an Aqara mini switch button, i setup an automation so i could work out the states of the device, pressed one twice and held down etc. When the condition is met, i get a notification with the corresponding action.
So if all the above is in play, why or how am i getting notifications from HA if i have not access to the HA instance on the network and I am completely disconnected.
See the attached screen recording. granted I don’t have video footage of me pressing the button and the notification showing but I assure you this was me clicking the mini switch.