Notifications rate limit within a timeframe with throttling

Hi, this has been asked (and answered) multiple times but I couldn’t find some sort of step by step tutorial for implementing notification throttling so here’s mine.

I’m using clicksend integration (ClickSend SMS - Home Assistant) to send out SMS for specific critical events and since I’m billed for every text message sent I want to be sure it is not triggered too many times within a given timeframe. The approach is simple:

  1. create a counter for counting how many notifications are sent
  2. before notifying, check if still below the threshould. If so send the notification and increase the counter, otherwise do nothing
  3. every X minutes reset the counter

In more details:

1. create a counter for counting how many notifications are sent

Go to “Settings”, “Devices & Services”, “Helpers” and create a new Helper, type “Counter”. Let’s call it “sms_counter”

2. before notifying, check if still below the threshould. If so send the notification and increase the counter, otherwise do nothing-

Go to “Settings”, “Automation & Scenes”, “Script” and create a new Script (*):

(*): in my HA, every automation generating a notification will call a script for each notification channel - SMS, mobile app, etc. - so to centralize the logic but the same approach can be implemented directly in an automation without using a script.

The script will check first if the counter is below a threshold (e.g. 5) and only if so will call the notification service (clicksend in this case) and increase the counter.

Here’s the YAML code:

alias: "Helper: Notifications - channel sms"
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: counter.sms_counter
    below: 5
  - service: notify.sms_user
      message: "[House] {{ message }}"
    enabled: true
  - service: counter.increment
    data: {}
      entity_id: counter.sms_counter
mode: queued
icon: mdi:message-processing
max: 10

3) every X minutes reset the counter

Go to “Settings”, “Automation & Scenes” and create a new automation:

This automation runs every 10 minutes and if the counter is more than 0, than just resets it.
Here’s the YAML code:

alias: Notification - reset rate limit
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: counter.sms_counter
    above: 0
  - service: counter.reset
    data: {}
      entity_id: counter.sms_counter
mode: single

This is it. In the example above are basically allowed no more than 5 SMS every 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes, the counter is reset and additional 5 SMS can be sent for the next 10 minutes.
Hope it can help.