Notifications Service?

Which is the best component to use with HA to push notifications to Iphone and Android?
I have been using Pushbullet. But the app seems to stop pushing the events to the notifications from time to time.

I’ve had great success with Pushover, not just from use with HA.

I use

I’ve been using the telegramm component and it works flawlessly :slight_smile:


I’ve been quite happy with Pushbullet and it’s never missed a notification. I like that I can get my notifications anywhere including my browser on the desktop and even my Shield Android TV. But I can’t speak to iPhone integration as I don’t have any iOS devices. But on Android devices it’s been awesome.

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This thread is almost a year old. Has anything changed in the last year?

I’m looking for the best notification component (preferably free) to use for push notifications to iOS and Android devices. It should provide the ability to send picture attachments and location via lat/long.

Pushbullet looks good - but the API on a free account has a limit of 500 pushes per month.

Are there any good alternatives anyone would recommend?

I would recommend Telegramm as it also allows for some sort of actual interaction istead of notification only and it support markdown.
