Notifications stopped working with v2023.06.1

Notifications to my phone were working this morning, but now none of my tests will work… even just a test message from Developer Tools → Services:

service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
  message: MESSAGE
  title: TITLE

I’m at <10% of the Companion app’s rate limit (which I’ve just reset). The device entity_id hasn’t changed. Closed and restarted iOS app. Not sure what else to check.

I’m on HA supervised and just upgraded to 2023.06.1. Is anyone else seeing issues?

EDIT: I can see the rate limit decreasing as I attempt to send notifications… so it appears to be on the device end. All permissions are correct. Still digging.

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No issues on iOS here.
Is there an update available for you in the AppStore?

No, I checked that, too, thanks.

I’ve just rebooted the phone but that didn’t do anything either. The last HA notification I received was about four hours ago. I continue to get non-HA notifications.

Could the notifications be “hung up” in some way? I was experimenting this morning with notifications for doorbell rings with images attached and never got one to work correctly… but all of my other notification configs remained untouched. I can see that several have been sent since this problem started (by my Node-RED flows, and by the rate limit decreasing over time), but I’m not getting any of them.

EDIT: Ehhhmmm… shouldn’t I have each iOS device listed here?

The appearance of the integrations has changed a lot since I’ve played with it, but IIRC, each device with the Companion app installed automatically showed up here. My Companion app is working just fine, but the integration isn’t here. My wife’s phone has the app, and I’m certain she hasn’t messed with it at all… also not here. That’s strange.

I deleted the integration, restarted HA, and the integration came back upon restart with the same configuration (0 devices). Testing notifications now works. I have no explanation… I didn’t do anything with the Companion app config or the integration config.

OK… I have a cause, but not a reason. The moment I tested this notification, ALL notifications stopped working:

    "title": "Home Assistant",
    "message": "Someone has rung the front doorbell.",
    "data": {
        "entity_id": "camera.synologyds920_front_doorbell"

This is { } in a Node-RED flow, and not YAML. It’s literally the only thing that I did after my notifications started working again, and they instantly stopped working. ALL notifications, not just the one I was testing.

To restore notifications, I deleted the iOS integration and then restarted HA. I just replicated it. Notifications work again. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I’m done testing new notifications for awhile…

EDIT: Notifications still working fine, a day+ later.

Have you tried to reset your push notification ID under the companion app’s settings?

Do you see entities such as notify.mobile_app_iphone_2 anywhere?

Yes, I reset the push ID in the Companion app several times… The same function resets the rate limit.

I expected to potentially get some “_2” mobile devices when I deleted the integration, but in did not. They came back with the same device IDs.

Try turning the local push option on/off — and also your WiFi connection to use your mobile network connection.