Notifications - tap and hold function

I have some simple notifications and actionable notifications, these work great! However, on IOS if I “tap” a notification it takes me to the HA app, which is somewhat useless as I cannot see what the notification was. I there a way to change this behavior and make “tap” the same a “hold”? How do you folks handle this? Can you have the “tap” action take you to something meaningful within the HA app?

There is no way to do this, but in-app handling of notifications with actions is something I’ve noodled around with but haven’t wrapped up as a project. They look something like this right now in testing:

There’s a ton of different states, and things like attachments, camera, etc., need to be replicated inside of it (probably), so it’ll be a little while but this will likely exist at some point.

Very cool, and thanks for the information. Keep up the good work!