Notifications to HomeKit (show on AppleTV)

Fun weekend project… sending notifications to my AppleTV via HomeKit :slight_smile:

Linking local images to a camera that have a door bell connected to it, then when I trigger the doorbell the image will popup on the AppleTV (and other HomeKit devices)

Working demo can be found here:


This looks cool (thanks). Did you look into sending custom status updates so it looks more like this:

is that also a image? So for every notification you want send to AppleTV you need to make a small jpg file? You can’t send random text?

That picture is an example from the internet. These types of alerts popup when different homekit sensors are triggered. For example when my garage door opens, I get an alert like that on my apple TV that says “the garage door opened” (or something like that). I was searching this weekend for a way to send custom notifications with whatever text I wanted (ex. Seong just arrived, Seong just left) and stumbled upon your post. I bet I can do this with fake sensors (ex. a lock named “Seong just left”) but probably can’t customize the text below it.

I have multiple images and link them to the camera-image just before triggering the notification.
A bit of work to create all images…

I guess you could to it via a script (PHP or similar) and send the notification text as a parameter and let the script create the image with text on it.
Might be something to look into next weekend with bad weather and to much time… :slight_smile:

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Following. I’m hoping to pop caller ID on my Apple TV on incoming calls on my Google Voice Obihai device.

I would also love to know how to get a text value out of HomeKit into automation e.g HA.
I have a feeling you can’t…

I set this up today and it works great!

Wanted to make a note however on the way homekit works…

If you use linked_doorbell_sensor then ALL homekit clients will get the notification and possibly trigger a doorbell sound on homepods.

If however if you use linked_motion_sensor you can OPT IN which TVs, or phones will trigger on the event.


To get this working do I just need to add the config on the Github page to my config? I’m not sure how to set this up.

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Hi, thanks for the work you put into this… I’m having an issue and I’m wondering if someone could guide me in the right direction.
When I trigger the automation, I can see the camera trigger input boolean turn on. I can see the doorbell turns to detected and I have homekit notification camera on my dashboard and I can see the image update from black to the washer is done and then black. However, the notification is not going to my apple tv. I’ve included the camera in the included domain for my homekit like this

# Homekit
  - filter:
        - switch
        - climate
        - binary_sensor
        - light
        - camera.homekit_notification_camera
      # Link the "DoorBell" to the camera
        linked_doorbell_sensor: binary_sensor.homekit_notification_camera_doorbell

Can anyone see where my mistake is? Thank you so much.

This is a picture of my status of related inputs and automations and the image after I trigger the automatoin

I was able to set it up and trigger the notification. After a while the still image of the notification doesn’t show up anymore on Apple TV (just a big blank notification) and shows a no response icon (even though the notification triggers). On my iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) the image shows up. Anyone else having that problem only on Apple TV?

I had to disable to show the camera in the Apple TV settings, and then enable it again. Now the image is visible again.

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What is the correct way to set this up?

Thank you.

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