- alias: "Lights Changed - Individual"
hide_entity: False
platform: state
entity_id: light.entryway__hall,light.island_trio,light.bathroom_hall,light.bedroom_lamp
service: joaoapps_join.nick_nexus6_send_tasker
command: >-
{%- if trigger.entity_id == "group.lights" -%}
setvar=:={{ trigger.entity_id }}=:={{ trigger.to_state.state }}
{%- else -%}
{%- for state in states.light if state.entity_id == trigger.entity_id -%}
setvar=:={{ trigger.entity_id }}=:={{ trigger.to_state.state }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
# - alias: "Lights Changed - Group"
# hide_entity: False
# trigger:
# platform: state
# entity_id: group.lights
# action:
# service: joaoapps_join.nick_nexus6_send_tasker
# data_template:
# command: "setvar=:={{ trigger.entity_id }}=:={{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
Above I have two examples of a notification, and both work great individually! The problem I’m running into is if I have just “Lights Changed - Group”, then I don’t get the individual notifications which is not very useful. Conversely, if I add group.lights into the “Lights Changed - Individual”, whenever you change the state of the group.lights, the individual entities trigger the automation as well! I assume this is because changing the group just issues a call to each entity within the group to change.
Oddly enough, it appears that a change in a group does not happen before the individual entities do. I assume this is because HASS bundles state changes together in a data container that does not care about order (dict maybe?) and only pushes the information at set intervals.
This presents a small problem in notify automation, and I’m not exactly sure how to fix it! Does anyone have any ideas?