Notify doesn't notify all connected apps

I’ve got the default setup using default_config (thus having mobile_app) defined. When I test my service at notify.notify my iOS device (with the app, logged in of course) receives the notification within a second. The Android version does not. When I send a direct notification to that device it works fine. I’d like to receive that specific notification on both phones without having to specify multiple service actions calls within my automation. Is there any way to acchieve this? It looks like a bug at the moment…

Create a notify group containing the notification services you need:

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I do experience the same.
Beside that it is only notify myself and not my wife.
She is added as user and as person.

How to notify all the users/ persons setup in HA?
I,m not able to select other devices as ID, except my own.?
Did you succeed already.?

The answer is directly above your post.

Thank you.
I did already read that.
But I think I don’t understand.

I quess that I can only notify entities having “notify.” in front of the name?
I also quess that I only can add these “notifies” to the group?
There are only 4 entities having notify. in front of there entity name I can find in HA
Non of them is my wifes.
I installed on her phone the HA app so it must be notifiable? and one of the notify entities?
What is my wrong thought?
Or how to add my wife’s phone to the notify group?

Then you do not have the same problem. Start your own a topic along the lines of “notification service not registering with HA”.

Thanks again.