Notify inside callback function


Maybe is a noob question…
I’m running a callback function for a self.run_at scheduler
Everything works well except the notification self.notity
I check it outside the callback and it works perfectly.

Could anyone help me, please?

The function is…

    def _run_at_cb(self, kwargs):
        if 'entity_id' in kwargs and 'action' in kwargs:
            entity_id = kwargs['entity_id']
            action = kwargs['action']
            if action == 'turn_on':
                self.log(f"TURN ON {entity_id}")
                self.notify(f"TURN ON {entity_id}", name="telegram_nacho", namespace="default")
            elif action == 'turn_off':
                self.log(f"TURN OFF {entity_id}")
                self.notify(f"TURN OFF {entity_id}", name="telegram_nacho")

Thanks in advance

I don’t understand what the f*** is happening.
If I put a variable in the message, it isn’t sent.

self.notify(f"TURN OFF {entity_id}", name="telegram_nacho")
self.notify("TURN OFF", name="telegram_nacho")

Even if I force the message with str()