Notify Octoprint finish time correct format

Hi, my first question in this board so please be gracious.

I have two 3d printer conntected with Octoprint (without MQTT) it creates me some entities and so on. Every 10% i would like to get a message via telegram with some information.
At the moment i struggle with timezone (germany is +1 atm) but it displays +0 time and i want to calculate the remaining time and notify it also in this message

This is would i have:

alias: left printer notify
description: ""
  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {{ states('sensor.left_3d_printer_job_percentage') | int(default=-1) %
      10 == 0 }}
  - condition: time
    after: "08:00:00"
    before: "20:00:00"
  - service: notify.telegram_jan
      message: >-
        print is now {{ states('sensor.left_3d_printer_job_percentage') }}%
        needs till {{as_timestamp(states('sensor.left_3d_printer_estimated_finish_time')) | timestamp_custom("%d.%m.%y %H:%M ", 0)}} from now
        this block is not processed?! start
        {% set uptime = (as_timestamp(states('sensor.left_3d_printer_estimated_finish_time')) - as_timestamp(now()) |int ) %} 
	    {% set years = uptime // 31536000 %} 
	    {% set months = (uptime % 31536000) // 2592000 %}
	    {% set days = (uptime % 2592000) // 86400 %}
	    {% set hours = (uptime % 86400) // 3600 %}
	    {% set minutes = (uptime % 3600) // 60 %}
	    {% set seconds = (uptime % 60) %} 
        {{ '%dd ' % days if days else '' }} {{ '%dh:' % hours if hours else '' }}{{ '%dm:' % minutes if minutes else '' }}{{ '%ds' % seconds if seconds else '' }}
        this block is not procesed ?! end
        from now {{
        }} oder so 
mode: single

where can i start to debug?!

Is there a way you can use this?

Good idea - But i found no way to adapt discord stuff to my telegram notify :confused:

But i am a step further.
please take a look here :