Notify-PushBullet Error

Running 86.3 I’m receiving the following the error and just can’t seem to understand my problem:

Service notify.Dan does not match format <domain>.<name> for dictionary value @ data[‘action’][0][‘service’]. Got None.

Current in config.yaml:


  • name: Dan
    platform: pushbullet
    api_key: !secret api_key

I’ve also updated my current API key but didn’t make a difference.

What am I missing?

Do you use more than one notification platform? If not, try to delete the optional name value.

    platform: pushbullet
    api_key: !secret pushbullet_api

No, that’s my only notifier. I removed the name value and still getting error:

Invalid config for [automation]: Service notify does not match format <domain>.<name> for dictionary value @ data[‘action’][0][‘service’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 229). Please check the docs at

platform: pushbullet
api_key: !secret api_key

What is in line 229 of your config?
Seems like the issue is with an automation not the pushbullet component.

I just updated to 0.86.4 and had a very similar error. It confused me as it referrred to a line in my config file that was an include line and nothing to do with automations.

I checked my automations and noticed that I had two that referred to notify.PushBullet while the name of my notify component was pushbullet. Changing these two entries to notify.pushbullet (i.e. matching the case) resolved this error on the next restart.

Hope this helps!

Thank you I will look into that!

Correct, 229 points to my automation yaml.

Got it working again. Not exactly sure why it stopped as my current config is the same as before but I have this:


  • name: pushbullet
    platform: pushbullet
    api_key: !secret api_key

Automations name is:
service: notify.pushbullet

Leaving the - name: out didn’t work. Was getting the error that no name was being found. Added the name back in and it’s working again.

Thats because without a name the service will be automatically named: notify.notify

I can confirm, the “name” field doesn’t work in the notification element! - HA: 0.86.4

  • platform: pushbullet
    name: pushbullet

  • platform: smtp
    name: smtp

are working.
But if you use

  • platform: smtp
    name: Gmail

and try it:

  • service: notify.Gmail
    You will get the error message.

If you use the

  • service: notify.smtp
    Than it will be ok.

I think it is a bug…

looks like the problem in both cases was the name started with a capital letter.

@AlmostSerious I can confirm that the problem is the Caps, even on 0.91.4 , removing caps resolves the problem.