Notify -- Sends The Message to Only One E-Mail

First off:
Domains and address are “silly” because this being my first post – the system takes them as links and blocks me from adding links. Any email address or server in the configuration file is PROPERLY specified in the actual config file.

Here is the config I have

  • name: “freezealert”
    platform: “smtp”
    sender: “cabinatdom1com”
    recipient: “markfatdom1com”
    target: markfatdom1com, markatdom1com
    server: “
    port: 465
    username: “source at someDomainnet”
    password: “IAmNotTelling”
    encryption: “tls”
    sender_name: “The Cabin”

I’ve removed the @ from the sender & recipient replacing with @ because I think this being my first post is tripping up the posting.

So, I’m triggering the notify from the Dev tools tab. The first e-mail on the target gets the notice but not subsequent notifications. I also see this when I add the e-mail addresses to the target field in the trigger action dialog. I’ve also tried this with the target: “email1, email2” style and the config check is fine with that but I get the same behavior. I’ve also tried to specify the multiple e-mail addresses in the recipient line but the configuration check hates that.

If need be I’ll create a new e-mail address to target and setup forwards on that e-mail but I should not need to do that. What am I doing wrong?

FYI, I’m running the HA server on a raspberry PI and am accessing the system via Nabu Casa web interface (Firefox browser). My HA installation is up to date.

What obvious thing might I be missing?

This is my first post to this forum and so if I’m leaving something relevant out or hitting a FAQ (I’ve reviewed many posts from this forum but not are turning the trick for me) or similar newbie thing I beg your pardon.

Thank You

Try using an actual YAML list instead of comma-separated values. But the main thing is to put both under the recipient key… target is not a valid configuration variable for SMTP. It can only be used in a script or automation action to override the values held in recipient.

  - name: "freezealert"
    platform: "smtp"
    sender: "cabin@dom1com"
      - "markf@dom1com"
      - "mark@dom1com"
    server: ""
    port: 465
    username: "source@someDomainnet"
    password: "IAmNotTelling"
    encryption: "tls"
    sender_name: "The Cabin"
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Yes! thank you – I ran with your pointer and eventually it all fell into place. My automation is sending messages to the desired recipients.