Notify Service - Multiple recipients as separate services?

Hi All, I’m trying to set up notifications so that I can notify only certain people in specific situations. ie. I’m almost home, please make room in the driveway for me. or a door has been left open. So I only want to send a notification to the people that are actually home, or sometimes I want to send to a specific person, or sometimes everyone.

I’d hoped I could add additional notify sections to the config yaml with different names like this, and just call whichever notify service I needed:


  • platform: smtp
  • name: “ken”


  • platform: smtp
  • name: “maren”

    etc. for each person

However, it only sees the last entry as a notify service. Does anyone know how to accomplish my goal of notifying different people for different situations?

You only need a single notify: heading.

  - platform: smtp
    name: ken
  - platform: smtp
    name: maren

Unfortunately, that didn’t work and resulted in the losing the smtp service option altogether.

Wow, I found the problem. comcast reset my 3rd party access bit. Your solution did in fact work. Thank you

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