Notify service not appearing

I’m unable to see “notify” in the dev-service tab. IIRC I used to be able to use ios_myiphone with the notify service. I’m not sure what I’m missing. I didn’t include ios: as the discovery: is supposed to take care of that. Any ideas?

Some of my configuration.yaml

# Discover some devices automatically

  - platform: icloud
    username: !secret icloud_username
    account_name: !secret icloud_username
    password: !secret icloud_password

I do see my devices in known_devices.yaml

  hide_if_away: false
  name: My iPhone
  track: true

  hide_if_away: false
  name: My iPad
  track: true

on your iPhone in the HA app, make sure you enable / load notifications, you should then see a .ios.conf file and notifications should show up

I did that, but when I enter “notify” in the service tab, nothing is appearing. Is there something else I need to do to configure notify? After doing what you suggested I see new devices in knowndevices.


You won’t be able to send notifications like for the rest of the platforms, you need to create them manually
Check how I’ve done it

And automations

not to hijack this, please allow me this question:

is there any way to identify the Homeasistant instance sending the notification, other than editing the message and title manually for each notification:

1 have 2 systems, 1 Hassos and 1 Hassio, and they both show as Homeassistant in all notifying platforms. Ive named them differently, which shows in the frontend, but i can find no way to have a system identifier show up to differentiate easily.


I’m not aware of such feature. Other than setting some sort of identifier in the message itself, the message will always come form “homeassistant”…

thanks @lolouk44, guess I found a feature request :wink:

@FutureTense I know a lot of time has passed since your OP, but do you remember what solved your problem? I seem to be experiencing the same thing after I reset my ios privacy settings. Just rebooted a second time and all is well.