I have a garmin inreach satellite communicator i would like to use as a notify service.
It uses a random phone number for sms and i dont want to use an sms gateway to send replies. But there is a web form that can be used to submit an email, name and message.
Is there a way to create a notify service that will submit a message to this html form so i can get select high priority alerts sent to my sat communicator?
I could easily handle two way communication by monitoring the email address for replies.
The use case is i run homeassistant on a 10w computer in my overlanding truck, and i want to get alerts if the camper alarm is triggered or the batteries are below a threshold while im off back packing. However the messages cost .50$ so i just have to be careful how and when it’s used.
I see this is likely a use for notify.command_line using a script that does the form submit
It seems that homeassistant doesn’t include the necessary library to submit forms. However I was able to inspect the web-page after sending a test message and extracted the uri and headers sent.
Here’s an example that can be used with the command_line integration by placing in /config/scripts/inreach_notify.py
note your reply-to email should replace example%40domain.com with @ encoded as %40
the Guid TEST should be replaced with the GUID in the addressbar when you visit the send-message web interface for your inreach account
import subprocess
import sys
import json
def send_message(message):
# Check the length of the message
if len(message) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
return "Error: Message too long (maximum 160 characters)"
# Encode the message
encoded_message = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", f"echo '{message}' | jq -s -R -r @uri"]).decode('utf-8')
# Construct the payload
payload = f"ReplyAddress=example%40domain.com&ReplyMessage={encoded_message}&Guid=TEST"
# Use subprocess to execute the curl command
result = subprocess.check_output(["curl", "-s", "-H", "authority: us0.explore.garmin.com", "-H", "origin: https://us0.explore.garmin.com", "-H", "referer: https://us0.explore.garmin.com/textmessage/txtmsg?extId=TEST", "-H", "x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest", "--data-raw", payload, "--compressed", "https://us0.explore.garmin.com/TextMessage/TxtMsg"])
# Parse the JSON response
response = json.loads(result)
# Check the success status and return the appropriate message
if "Success" in response and response["Success"]:
return "Message sent successfully"
return "Failed to send message"
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return f"Error: {e}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
message = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""
result = send_message(message)
Once I pair this with an imap/pop integration and the starlink satellite on my truck, I can now control homeassistant from literally anywhere on the planet, even if there’s no cell service. I just would need to configure pre-defined commands to respond to, like “pre-heat” or “conserve power”