Notify.telegram - cannot config it help?


I’m trying to add to my sensor.motion to send notifications via telegram.
i get an error .

message: The following components and platforms could not be set up:

Please check your config.
title: Invalid config

I add it like this to my configuration.yaml
Still not working. what i miss here?

  - platform: telegram
    name: TelegramBot
    api_key: 442863440:AAGbI-qkesadsUBY2GY-DpZddsUM
    chat_id: 285733235

refer to the telegram instructions webhooks or polling.

I use polling and my configuration.yaml has

  - platform: polling
    api_key: !secret telegram_bot_api_key
    - !secret telegram_chat

and then I’ve got a

  - name: telegram
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: !secret telegram_chat

i refer still not working for me…

updated my post above - you need two things - define the telegram_bot and also define the notify component to use that bot

Yes, i did it and that work.

so need to use polling only and not telegram

Those are two different methods for using telegram. You need to configure the bot with one platform or the other if you want to be able to do two way communication. I chose polling but you can use webhooks as well. Once you define the ‘bot’ in the configuration file you can then use the telegram platform for notifications.

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