Notify when an addon update becomes available

UPDATE 16/03/2021
Based on feedback a new version of this blueprint has been published HERE.

Hi all,

Before the blueprint-era I used the same automation over and over for each addon to notify me whenever there was an update available. With the new blueprint functionality I can make only one adjustment to the blueprint which will then apply for each automation that uses it.

The blueprint is quite simple: it sends a notification that has an URL to the addon page.

(Note: this is triggered by ‘execute’, therefore the version numbers are the same)

There is a pre-condition to use this automation: you should make sensors that retrieve the status of the addons. For the sensors, you could use the following template:
(Note: I had to use pastebin, otherwise the blueprint cannot be imported)

For the secrets:

The blueprint itself is quite self explanatory. Note that the ‘hostname’ returns a value in the form of a0d7b954-vscode instead of a0d7b954_vscode to use it in the url ( /hassio/addon/a0d7b954_vscode/info). Therefore the regex expression is used, which will replace the ‘-’ with an underscore ‘_’.


  name: Addon update notifications
  description: Sends an update to a selected notifier when an update of an addon is available.
  domain: automation
      name: Addon sensor
      description: "This sensor contains the version information of the sensor and should include the attributes 'version', 'version latest', 'hostname' and 'name'."
          domain: sensor
      name: Notify device
      description: "The device where the notification should be sent to."
          integration: mobile_app

  sensor_input:   !input addon_sensor
  version:        "{{ state_attr( sensor_input, 'version' ) }}"
  version_latest: "{{ state_attr( sensor_input, 'version_latest' ) }}"
  hostname:       "{{ state_attr( sensor_input, 'hostname' ) | regex_replace(find='-', replace='_', ignorecase=False)}}"
  addon_name:     "{{ state_attr( sensor_input, 'name' ) }}"

  platform: event
  event_type: state_changed
    entity_id: !input addon_sensor

  condition: template 
  value_template: "{{ version != version_latest }}"

  domain: mobile_app
  type: notify
  device_id: !input notify_device
  message: "({{ version }} > {{ version_latest }})"
  title: "{{ addon_name }} update available"
    url: "/hassio/addon/{{hostname}}/info"

Great blueprint! Thanks for this. I think you could use slug instead of hostname. See a part of the output below.

    "result": "ok",
    "data": {
        "name": "Duck DNS",
        "slug": "core_duckdns",
        "hostname": "core-duckdns",
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Hi Marc,

You’re right. Thanks for the tip!
I will change it in my own instance, but leave it as is in this blueprint since it might break the automations for people who used it (as it will also require a change in the addon sensor).

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