service not working

I’m trying to add email notifications as per docs.
I have the following in my configuration.yaml:

notify: !include notify.yaml

I added the following to the notify.yaml but the service is not found:

- name: "STD_Gmail"
  platform: smtp
  server: ""
  port: 587
  timeout: 15
  sender: "[email protected]"
  encryption: starttls
  username: "[email protected]"
  password: "xxxxxxxx"
    - "[email protected]"
  sender_name: "Home Assistant"
What am I doing wrong?
I have other entries in notify.yaml, which are working, e.g.
- name: STD_Pushover
  platform: group
    - service: pushover- name: STD_Pushover

Help much appreciated.

I am having a similar issue. Have you found a solution? From what I can tell, HA isn’t even reading my notify.yaml file. There are no errors in the logs (even in debug mode) and no showing up under Developer Tools → States.