NOUS A1Z entity "current" not activated

Hi everybody,
Since yesterday, 2 of my NOUS A1Z smart plugs no longer want to provide the “current” entity. This is deactivated by default. If I activate “current”, it is then shown as inactive again, just ignoring my activation. Even after several attempts to pair the device via Z2M. It works without any problems with 4 other smart sockets (same model). Does anyone have any idea what the cause could be? Is there any other way to reset the devices than just deleting them from Z2M and pairing them again?

Thanks in advance for any advice and best regards

It takes at least 30 second to be enabled. You need to be patient and check it again.

You can either use the Enable button:


Or the switch, but if you use the switch then you need to press the update button at the bottom:


Hi Gabor,
Thanks for your answer. I was patient enough, but your hint regarding the switch did it! When i clicked on “activate” and saved, it turned deactivated again. But when I used the switch, it stayed active. The only thing that was strange is that only the NOUS smart plugs had this behaviour while activating hidden entities. With other devices the activate button did what he should do.

Thanks and best regards