Novice: cannot create package

I have secerts.yaml in esphome directory. I also have esp-home.test.yaml in the same directory I use to learn setting things up.

In esp-home.test.yaml I have

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

It loads fine.

I want to move WiFi configuration into package. I created directory esphome/packages and created file wifi.yaml containing this code:

    ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
    password: !secret wifi_password

Editor shows error: Could not open ‘/config/esphome/packages/secrets.yaml’

I want it to use /config/esphome/secrets.yaml but do not know how to set that up.

If I copy secrets.yaml into packages directory then it seems toload it but now i have two secreats files, which I do not want to.

And now I get new error: ‘esphome’ section missing from configuration. i cannot find anything related to this error.

What I am doing wrong?

For anyone else stumbling on this problem, the answer can be found in this issue: Secrets.yaml is not available within packages in subfolders · Issue #2819 · esphome/issues · GitHub

You need to have a secrets.yaml in your package folder as well. It can simply include the top level file.