Novo, Smart radiator valve

I just foud this on Kickstarter. I just contacted the developers to ask for some specs and possibilities to get integration to Home Assistant.

Here´s the link, and some info:

Works with:

Novo AI and Cloud
Amazon Alexa
Google Home
Home Kit (Q2 2018)
Communicates with:

2.4GHz 11abg and 2.4GHz 802.15.4 Radio
Wifi (Intranet)
Thread (Mesh)
Zigbee (Mesh/Q2 2018)
Multiprotocol (Q4 2018)

I´m biting the bullet with this one, as its price is very attractive as it is still in early bird status. I´ll let you know of the answers.


Hi all!

Thanks for your interest in the Novo Smart Radiator Valves on Kickstarter. We’ve taken a bit of time to look into the Home Assistant system and how we can work with it.

From our understanding we can open up a local API to allow us to integrate into the Home Assistant setup and allow control as Home Assistant appears to be built on Python. We are already planning to potentially open an API for IFTT and other platforms so we will include this in our development plan.

Right now we’re working on Alexa and Google Home for launch, followed by Apple Homekit by April 2018. After this we’ll be looking at Nest integration, Home Assistant and possibly IFTT. So we should be compatible by middle 2018.

Thanks everyone for your interest and I’ll do my best to answer any questions!

This is soooo cool!

I’m sticking with my Kickstarter pledge, looking forward for full integration into HA.

I suppose that firmware updates will be coming through the provided hub, I can’t wait to place my class on it.

Cheers and best of luck!

Great news!
I backed this, which was a first for me.

I’m hoping for nest integration so I can do radiator zoning and have them control the boiler through the nest.

Obviously then have all the data in hass available.

Can’t wait!