Anyone been able to communicate with a Novy through RFlink?
I would like to know this too. Recently got a 6911 hood. It connects with the android app through Bluetooth. Would like to implement this in HA. I’ve installed a shelly in the powersocket, so I can detect current state by power usage.
I just tried this; Yes the Broadlink RM Pro works. Still need to play around with the mapping of the buttons vs the several options of the hood but the Boradlink learns all the commands from the Novy remote and plays them back.
I still need to look at the broadlink integration to see if all ends up nicely in HASS
This would be a much more budget option instead of a rfx for 109 euro’s… damn thats a lot of money with probably a few euros of hardware.
Did you get it to work with a broadlink?
Did not have time yet to play more with this. Also would prefer discrete buttons/codes for on and off as it does not pass it’s state to Home assistant obviously.
Is there anyone that has a list of all RF codes? Even if they are from RFXTRX I might be able to reverse engineer this to Broadlink.
Reading the codes from the remote works fine but as the main hood light can only be toggled by the remote I have no way of knowing it is actually off
I didn’t have succes with the earlier mentioned codes. They look very similar.
Perhaps write a scipt to toggle all codes?
I have a Novy hood model 6812 and thinking also of controlling it using the Broadlink RM Pro with HA. I would really appreciate if you could share short guide on how to setup the Broadlink to make it work.
This topic isn’t for Broadcom. Please search the correct thread or open a new one.
I have a fully working (light & hood) stateful setup for a Novy Mood.
This is based on a (virtual) template light and a template fan, plus Broadcom RM4 pro, a power sensor in the ceiling socket and a luminescence sensor.
I know this is not a thread for broadcom, but if anybody is interested let me know.
For sure I’m interested. I do use the RFX but maybe it is a bit better than mine. I couldn’t get the broadcom to work at all.
How did you manage to get the power consumption correctly handled?
Remote commands are sent by Broadlink RM 4 Pro. There is a very good integration for this device, which is then shown as a remote. You can teach the signals easily & directly in HA Developer section. Works flawlessly.
Real life states for (only) the Hood are measured by a Tuya Zigbee Smart Switch with power meter. Real states for the light are measured with a Xiaomi Zigbee Luminiscence sensor.
(It was not possible to measure hood&light by power meter, as there were overlapping states)
I have created a template fan for the hood and a template light for the LED.
On/Off HA states for both are stored in two helper input_boolean objects
Light effect (working/ambient) and Hood preset (off, low, medium, fast, turbo)attributes are stored in two input_select helper objects.
These values of these helpers defines the states/attributes of the light & fan templates.
(Other template attributes like light brightness & color or fan percentage are derived values from the effect / preset attributes)
The states and attributes in these helper objects are changed in two different ways:
either by using the controls of the template light / fan. For this, a script is called which ‘translates’ the light and fan actions into the needed remote signals, with regard to the current state of the light/hood. This script also updates the helper objects accordingly.
or by an automation, which is triggered by changes to the two sensors, and sets the states and attributes as derived from the sensor readouts. This way, changes to the device by ‘external’ sources (OG remote, Novy induction hob) are reflected in the virtual device’s states with a slight delay.
To prevent ‘hickups’, it is also triggered every 30 seconds.
(In case of state change by template light/fan, a ten second timer is triggered, during which the sensor automation is blocked.)
Works with no problems, and i can now control the speed of the hood with a rotary Tuya Smart Knob
The setup as described at the top is actually a bit simplified.
There is also a proxy script for all Broadlink remote commands which finally fires the actual remote signal (as this is avery versatile device for RF & IR, which I use also for a heater and my garage).
Also, i have written two template sensors to translate the real sensor output into the needed states (on,off, light modes, fan mdes).
But that’s not really necessary for the setup in principle …
This is the smart switch i I used for measuring the hood power consumption:
Reporting interval/delay of the sensor is pretty good (ca 1 sec).
And this is the Xiaomi Luminiscence sensor (seems to be out of stock almost everywhere):
I chose it, because in my setup I could mount it in a very unobtrusive way due to it’s size an color:
(with other Novy models, maybe a different sensor would work better?)
Reporting interval is a bit slower than the Tuya switch (ca 8 sec.), but for usage in real life it’s totally fine.
Back on topic: does anybody know why I can’t get rfxcom device to work with the Novy hood anymore? Clean install, updated rfxcom firmware. In rfxmng I get same codes as mentioned above, all works. Cannot get those codes in HA via GUI. also no luck trying to code via config.yaml. “Fan” protocol support would be best solution imo but don’t know how hard that is to code in? Thnx
Have you already tried with the service rfxtrx.send to send the command?
Hi @d3rb3rt, I also have a Novy Hood (NOVY Fusion Pro) but unfortunately no remote control to allow Broadlink to learn the signals. Do you know if the signals are the same between models? Would you mind exporting the buttons from Broadlink?
Thank you.