Now playing card won't load

I’m having issues getting the ‘now playing poster’ to load.

It’s been working smoothly for 12 months, but suddenly is giving a “Custom element doesn’t exist: now-playing-poster” error.

Given nothing has changed except some HA updates, I’m guessing something is broken in that addon. It looks to be a pretty simple addon so I’m hoping someone may have some words of wisdom on how to resolve.

class NowPlayingPoster extends HTMLElement {
  set hass(hass) {
    if (!this.content) {
      const card = document.createElement('ha-card');
      this.content = document.createElement('div');

	  // = "!important;";

      card.appendChild(this.content); = "background: none;";


	const offposter = this.config.off_image;
    const entityId = this.config.entity;
	const state = hass.states[entityId];
	const stateStr = state ? state.state : 'unavailable';

	if (state) {

		const movposter = state.attributes.entity_picture;

		if (["playing", "on"].indexOf(stateStr) > -1 ) {
			if ( !movposter ) {
				if ( offposter ) {
					this.content.innerHTML = `
					<!-- now playing card ${entityId} -->
					<img src="${offposter}" width=100% align="center" style="">
					this.content.innerHTML = `
					<!-- now playing card ${entityId}  no image-->
			this.content.innerHTML = `
			<!-- now playing card ${entityId}  -->
			<img src="${movposter}" width=100% height=100%">

			if ( offposter ) {
				this.content.innerHTML = `
				<!-- now playing card ${entityId} -->
				<img src="${offposter}" width=100% align="center" style="">
				this.content.innerHTML = `
				<!-- now playing card ${entityId}  no image-->



    this.content.innerHTML = `
	<!-- now playing card ${entityId} not playing -->



  setConfig(config) {
    if (!config.entity) {
      throw new Error('You need to define an entity');
    this.config = config;

  // The height of your card. Home Assistant uses this to automatically
  // distribute all cards over the available columns.
  getCardSize() {
    return 3;

customElements.define('now-playing-poster', NowPlayingPoster);