"Now playing" of media_player on iOS lockscreen


is it possible to integrate home assistant, or rather media_player entities, into the “now playing” feature of iOS? When some media plays on the iPhone you can control it from the lock screen or the control center. I would like to control media_player entities in the same way.

I think a similar feature exists on android where you can control media_player entities from the notification area.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any documentation on this subject.

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At first thought I would think not. This would be especially true since the media being played is not actually being played on the iPhone… I’d love to be wrong though

Sonos is able to do thuis also, so I thing it should Be possible

So is Spotify, I vote for this one!

I vote in favor too.
Where need the feature requests need to go?
Github … Subforum?

Hey jnbrn!

According to the docs we would need to create an issue on the github project of the ios companion app.

I think I’lll create an issue.

EDIT: I’ve started a discussion for a feature request.