NS Panel Temp Sensor fluctuates

i’ve just installed nspanel. I’m using the sonoff lan integration (no esphome flashing). I can see the sensor reporting 20 and 21 celcius in seconds. Do you have any idea who to smooth?

Possibly this is because your temp is between 20.4 / 20.5 and rounds to whole degrees. Mine does this so wondering if you added some rounding?

EDIT: have a look at deivative to tackle this but if yu already have a template at the basis of our graph then maybe start there

You might be right. It always either 20 or 21. But I don’t know who and why is rounding. This is the integration.

you can see that the sensors are integers. But I have no idea why.

2 options
flash it with esp or tasmota and get more control
or use derivative or another function to delay the swapping…
note this is not the only temp sensor behavong this way and one could also think ‘so what’