I flashed my NS-Panel with ESP Home and I#M useing the Blueprint from Blackymas.
Everyting works fine exept one thing: The Mediaplayer
I just don’t find out how and exactly where i have to config ist.
I First flashed ist with tasmota, but i didn’t get the Panel working at all, so I decided to flash ESP-Home.
my apps.yaml is:
module: nspanel-lovelace-ui
class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager
panelRecvTopic: "tele/NSPanel-01/RESULT"
panelSendTopic: "cmnd/NSPanel-01/CustomSend"
model: eu
- type: cardMedia
entity: media_player.bad
But maybe this worng becaus the name NSPanel-01 was the name i used in Tasmota
When i changed to ESPhome I also changed the name of the device to nspanel01
in the ESPHome Integration and in the Blueprint ist shows this name.
Can anybody tell me what i have to change and where?
Do you need further information?