NSpanel Extended Notifications - Addon for NSPanel_HA_Blueprint from Blackymas

✉️ NSpanel Extended Notifications - Blueprint Addon for NSPanel_HA_Blueprint from Blackymas

Version 1.0 Beta | Never ever tested in the wild - Expect errors. |


:white_check_mark:NSPanel_HA_Blueprint fom Blackymas is already installed
:white_check_mark:Nspanel Blueprint Version v4.3.4
:yellow_square:Custom Actions: TFT-file must be updated with event-data for Notification Page.


When Trigger is Active:
:large_blue_circle: Persistant Notification until Trigger is not active.
:large_blue_circle: Change to selected icon on Home Page.
:large_blue_circle: “Blink” icon/chip on trigger
:large_blue_circle: Send Notification to Panel
:large_blue_circle: Send Silent Notification Panel
:large_blue_circle: Landing Page when Notification is accepted
:large_blue_circle: Custom Notification Actions

How To Update TFT/MHI file for Custom Actions

  - Open HMI-file in Nextion Editor. 
    Select Page "notification".
  - Select "bt_accept" ✅ icon
    Paste the text below into 'Touch Release window' under 'Event'    
        lastclick.txt="{\"page\": \"notification\", \"event\": \"short_click\", \"component\": \"accept\"}"
        printh 92
        prints "localevent",0
        printh 00
        prints lastclick.txt,0
        printh 00
        printh FF FF FF
  - Select "bt_clear" ❌ icon
    Paste the text below into 'Touch Release' window under 'Event'

        lastclick.txt="{\"page\": \"notification\", \"event\": \"short_click\", \"component\": \"clear\"}"
        printh 92
        prints "localevent",0
        printh 00
        prints lastclick.txt,0
        printh 00
        printh FF FF FF        

  - Generate TFT-file
  - Upload TFT-file to your Panel

  - Test if its working:
      - Navigate to Developer Tools → Events
      - Listen to event: `esphome.nspanel_ha_blueprint`
      - Send a notification to your Panel and press ✅ or ❌
      - You should see an event appearing in the Events page:

            command: short_click
            component: accept 

            command: short_click
            component: clear                 

About this Blueprint

    To easily and clearly use notifications and trigger for icons.
    Example: Lock status.
    Notification is sent if there are unlocked doors - When notification is accepted the panel goes to the entity page with your lock indicators.

    Example: Vacuum cleaner (CUSTOM ACTIONS) 
    Notification is sent when room cleaning is done  - When notification is Accepted✅ your robot starts to clean the next room.
                                                     - When notification is Dismissed❌ your robot reurns to base.

    - Messages persist until they are not triggered. 
    - It's possible to change icons and colors. 
    - Custom Actions for notifications
        This is my first Blueprint, there are surely errors and things could probably be done in simpler ways. 
        Many functions are copied from Blackymas Blueprint and many other functions use the API function in Blackymas Blueprint. 
        There are issues with, too many API calls etc, especially when "Blink" for icons is activated and set to a low time.
        A lot of things can be improved and feel free to change or use this as insperation.
    - This Blueprint is only tested on my system, but should work for others if Blackymas Blueprint is installed and setup.    

Link to blueprint:

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