I have an nspanel with tasmota.
I can’t set manually termperature into thermostat page of nspanel or set manual mode (it is always set on auto mode).
I tried by tasmota console to run follow commad, but not works…
If you want set temperature via hassio or in tasmota use command cmnd/nspanel/nspsend {"ATCMode":0,"ATCExpect0": value for temperature} if you want use manual or automatic thermostat change ATCMode 0 is manual 1 is automatic. If you want turn off thermostat add command in line "ATCEnable":10 is off 1 is on
class NSPanel : Driver
# set thermostat options
static atc = {
"id": "thermostat",
"outlet": "0", # outlet to use for trigger
"etype": "hot", # hot or cold
"mirror": false, # if true Tasmota will resend triggers as commands to keep the state on screen
class NSPanel : Driver
# set thermostat options
static atc = {
"id": "thermostat",
"outlet": "0", # outlet to use for trigger
"etype": "hot", # hot or cold
"mirror": true, # if true Tasmota will resend triggers as commands to keep the state on screen
Red the nspanel protocol page but not sure about the following;
how to display the temperature (at the nspanel) of the built-in sensor with one decimal.
Searched in various articles but unable to find it.
could anyone give me a hint please ?