Got a fairly simple setup to control and have insight into a few sources in my Home office. Created a separate dashboard with various subviews controlled by a row of buttons just below the temperature and humidity info.
Wallpanel kicks in after 10 seconds of inactivity showing a clock+weather+photo collage.
Swiping left of right navigates to the NSPanel native pages for access to native NSPanel functionality.
Unfortunately no, as I no longer possess the other unit. This one feels a bit quicker, but difficult to quantify not having them side by side.
I do think, but this is just an assumption, that rooting and sideloading the Companion app might make it a bit faster as the app will better use the internal memory compared to the browser loading the webpage. Again, this is just an assumption.
I can’t get the proximity sensor to work, this value always stays at -1, same goes for the light sensor. I’m using the latest NSPanelTools. Have I done something wrong? Do other people with the 120 version have it running?
I have FullyKiosk installed though and once it’s loaded the panel ignores/over rides the sleep setting in NspanelTools. Not sure which setting I need to change (maybe in FK) to allow the sleep time out to operate.
New NSPanel Pro have fixed sensor values.
This is hardcoded into kernel, so you won’t see values like the older firmware.
Regarding FullyKiosk, I have some issue too managing it. I switched from the HA Companion app tu Fully Kiosk cause it’s way more responsive and smooth then the companion.
But I really can’t find a way to turn the screen off.
It overrides the NSPanelTools settings if I keep the setting “Keep Screen On”.
If i switch off this settings, NSPanelTools keeps the control of the creen but when the screens turn on, it needs to refresh the webpage (it’s really annoying).
I still didn’t find the solution, I’m working on it…
Right, I’ve changed all the settings in my 120 to mimick the square one.
The 120 still doesnt behave as expected. When at the device home screen (before FK is loaded) they both turn off at the expected time threshold however once FK is loaded only the square one will sleep the screen.
I noticed that the version of FK on the 120 was higher than the one on the square - so I removed and added the same - no difference. The only other difference I can see between the devices is the square is running Android Firmware Build Version 3.7.0 where as the 120 is running 3.7.1. I cant tell if that is what makes the difference.
I have noticed that the square struggles to maintain screen brightness. Despite rebooting or manually setting in the Device page is often reverts to a 0 screen brightness.
As it stands I couldnt deploy either in my house due to either the screen brightness issue or the inability for the other to sleep when running FK.
I’ve tried using the settings in FK so that it takes control but when enabling Motion Detection I get an error on the screen in FK that says “Visual Motion Detection Failed. Is another process using the cam?Trying to restart”
I’m a bit of an amateur at this, so anyone with any guidance would be super appreciated
Both are running FK 1.56.3 (the version 1.57 did not work as expected)
NSPanel Tools
After some tests I can say the issue isn’t the firmware of the panel.
In my square panel I have the same issue that I have in the 120 (the 120’s fw is 3.6).
The problem is that FK seems to try to override the NSPanel Tools settings but something goes wrong.
Also, FK seems to not support proximity detection anymore, it tray to use the cam which isn’t available in NSPanel. If I switch on the motion detection i receive the same warning message.
I think there is some kind of bug, but I cannot work out which component it exists in.
If my 120 is in the device home screen then Sleep and Wake up with hand movement work fine.
If I load FK and go to my HA main screen then the sleep doesnt work but if I open the FK menu and click Settings (nothing else) then the sleep begins to work and it is woken up by a hand motion, return to the main screen and sleep stops working again. Its like the configuration changes just by opening the FK settings page.