NSpanel pro ver 1.7.0 refuses to connect to ADB

I just bought a NSpanel pro with software version 1.7.0 on it as described in this guide. I can not get ADB to connect to it.

First I tried connecting to it over wifi as described by [Blackadder]
(Update WebView on NSPanel Pro and Tuya Smart Home Panels | Blakadder's Smarthome Shenanigans). Connection refused

Then I tried with direct usb connection. (On a mac and later with linux). No resonse
Then I did the reset by power-on power-offf x4, and tried everything again.
Then I installed eWeLink and put the device in developer mode, and tried wifi and usb again.
And finally I did the reset by power-on power-offf x4, with usb connected and did a continuous “adb devices -l” to connect and install the loader. No effect.

Any Idea what to do next? I’m at a loss.

First of all I should have posted this in the tread: nspanel-pro-custom-android-apps-working
For the people like me…
Start NSpanel Pro
Go trough the setup
Install eWelink on your phone and get an account
Link ewelink of your phone to NSpanel pro with the QR code on the NSpanel pro
In eWelink go to Device settings and scroll all the way down to Device ID and keep tapping it until you get the warning about enabling developer mode. Enable.
At this point i did reboot my device, I do not know if you need to do that.
In eWelink go to device settings → developer Mode-> enable ADB, You will get a warning and enable.
Now in adb, I use osx in the terminal
adb connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
adb install ultra-small-launcher.apk
Performing Streamed Install

Reboot and you can choose what launcher you want and if you want to make your choice permanent.


Thank you, it just worked perfectly !