NSpanel with Tasmota and Lovelace UI won't update icons from sensors


I’ve been at it for at least 24hours and i’ve tried different things. So the problem is, I’ve created a custom sensor, nothing fancy, just something that counts time till next sun rise/set and changes icon based on wether the next event will be a rise or set.
The icons seem to be updating in HA fine, but on the NSPanel I’m just getting the (!) icon.
I can no problem override the icon, but that’s not what I want, since I want the icon to change based on state of a different sensor. Can you please advise what I’m doing wrong?

Custom Sensor:

NSPanel View

State in HA:

Appdaemon logs:

I’ll also add that I’m running a container installation without the supervisor, so I had to install and configure everything manually, however since I’ve done so using latest versions of everything, everything should be up to date.

NSPanel was flashed using the web installer, autoexec.be was taken from github, nextion file from http://nspanel.pky.eu/lui-release.tft
Panel seems to be working correctly. Appdaemon container was restarted a few times

I’ve also tried adding the icon change logic to the apps.yaml, but to no avail.
the name value is just to debug if the condition is working, which it is, but the icon still doesn’t show up

As a bit of a breakthrough i tried a different way of setting the icons. However it doesn’t completely work.
So using the cheatsheet for MDI icons i get the code for the icon i want, however after placing it in the code i get something completely different on the screen.
weather-sunset-down → 

funny enough i got one icon to work, and that’s the heat-wave one which has this symbol → 梅

I Solved my own issue, if anyone is interested this is the solution:
using a ha template was the right way to go before, I was just missing the fact that for some reason i also needed the i html tag.