Nu units at x and y axis in history graph

I have a few history graphs on my lovelace screen. The temperature is giving a temperature and a time on de axis. The airpressure and the soil moisture graph just giving a line. No units. There is of course a difference. The temperature is coming from sensors via a RFXCOM. The last two are comming from a ESP32 board via ESPHOME. I have looked in every corner, but can’t find the solution. What am I doing wrong?

What do you mean a line? If an entity has no units then it won’t produce a graph, so first thing is to look at the states page and see whether the entity has a unit.

This is what I mean. Only a line. No X an Y axis units.

This is the state tab dsplay’s. I have unit of measurement.

For display issues always make sure you clear your browser cache.

If that does not work, what lovelace card are you using for that graph?

It wasn’t the cache, but I used the wrong card. I used the sensor card, but I have to use the graphic history card. Thanks for the input. Still learning in this great piece of software.

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