Nuc System Monitoring Card

if you place the file in


then the path you use in lovelace is


/config/www maps to /local


I’m confused as to how to get the *.png into that folder. I have the *.png on my windows pc, but HA is running on a raspberry pi 4. I can only access HA using terminal. Not sure how to get the *.png over.

OK, just found the “upload” command at the top of the www/images using file editor.

Install samba share addon and then you can access the folder through File Explorer

I have samba share added on, but having trouble accessing from windows.ScreenHunter 95

is homeassistant your hostname? It may be homeassistant.local, it may be something else. You can also use the IP address \\ipaddress

EDIT: You also need to verify that samba is turned on and running. Look at the addon and make sure it’s started. Also, you’ll need a username and password, they can’t be blank.

I get the same error using the ip address, been working on this a long time. Samba share worked at one time, but then stopped.ScreenHunter 96

Then you don’t have it configured properly, either in windows or in the addon. Verify what I said in the previous post

what’s the best size for the “server” png?

You’re missing the horizontal stack so the image is stretched to it’s largest size. If you add the horizontal stack for the image and the uptime, it’ll make the image smaller.

GOT samba shares fixed, I had it configured for wlan0, I had switched to eth0 yesterday and forgot to reconfig samba:

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Chasing down this problem now:

yes, you have it in a vertical stack, so the image will always be sized to fill the width of the column.

So you ahve 2 options: Increase the width of the image with an image editor and use that newly adjusted image. Or place the image into a horizontal stack instead of vertical. Seeing that you probably want to have the vertical stack, then you should edit the image with an image editor.

Changing the image width didn’t work, had to add a horizontal-stack card, and re-indent everything.

if you changed the image width, then you needed to clear your cache and refresh the page.

Remember, this is a webpage. All browsers are designed to transmit the least amount of information between the user and the server. If you change a resource on the server but the name of the resource doesn’t change, then the browser will use cached resource instead of updating the resource because it doesn’t know it changed.

Fastest way to do this is CTRL+F5. Sometimes, you need to hit F12 and then hit CTRL+F5, but this is typically only if you change code.

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And FINALLY !!!, got the RAM and CPU bar-cards on the same horizontal line;ScreenHunter 101

It’s just crazy how much “indentation” makes a difference.

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hello, im at a loss.
installed the following cards:
sensors.yaml :
image in www/images/
card looks like this in ui:

i still get an invisible card. what am i missing?

you have to refresh your cache (CTRL+F5) or hit F12 and see what errors you have (they should also appear in logs). To clear your errors in the F12 page, hit CTRL+F5 with it open.

hello @petro
is there a way to pluralise minute, hour, day, week if the number is > at 1?

it already does that

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