Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

{{ 'on' if states('input_text.nuki_bridge_callback_list')|from_json|count == 1 else 'off' }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}")' for attribute '_state' in entity 'binary_sensor.nuki_bridge_callback
Did I do anything wrong?```

Missing the first if?

          {% if states('sensor.nuki_bridge_callback_list') != 'unknown' and states('input_text.nuki_bridge_callback_list')|count > 0 %}
            {{ 'on' if states('input_text.nuki_bridge_callback_list')|from_json|count == 1 else 'off' }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

What are you trying to do?

Got a problem with the callback. what did I do wrong. this is my log

the state of the callback is: not available

That code is wrong, you made a bad cut&paste.

that “for attribute '_state” is not part of my code.

UPDATE: sorry, that’s added by the log. my bad.

if it’s not available it means that callback/list command is returning no entries. but the automation should add it automatically.

check with callback/list command on the bridge.

callback list worked; I will copy the code again and make a second try;-)

no it’s not che copy&paste, I think that some commands to the bridge failed for some reason, so the sensors are not available.

the callback sensor should be “connected” and its attribute should show the ID of the callback in the list.


Peter, did you disable the official integration? also, don’t use the nuki mobile app while using Nuki Card. Unfortunately the bridge gets crazy if it receives too many commands. :slight_smile:

unfortunately not in my case; what can I do? Do you have a suggestion?

  1. Disable the official integration in HA if you had it previously installed
  2. Don’t use the mobile app while configuring Nuki Card
  3. Nuki Card should autoconfigure the bridge callback configuration, if the commands are correctly received by the bridge.
  4. Show me the 4 secrets you configured, masking token etc. if required.
  5. After you disabled everything else, and only have the Nuki card, run this command from a terminal and report the output:

curl -X GET 'http://BRIDGE_IP_OR_HOSTNAME:8080/callback/list?token=BRIDGE_TOKEN'

1-4 done


You see the problem? :slight_smile:

there’s 8123 and 8000 as a port…and there’s no token. it will never work. it’s a manual entry, not made by Nuki Card.

delete that callback, that you configured manually I guess, and restart Nuki Card, it will configure it properly.

curl -X GET 'http://nuki-bridge.axel.dom:8080/callback/remove?id=0&token=xxxxhl'

change bridge IP/host and token obviously.

Hi Allessandro,

Well, another german here :wink:
Think of a house with several appartments. We distinct between Haustür (main entry of the house) and Wohnungstür (door of the appartment/flat)
So here the nuki-lock opens the appartment door, the opener (DIY made by a Shelly) the entry of the house, which I named front door in HA. Non German wife prefers to speak english :wink:

I didn’t get it. callback Status is disconneted. There something i do wrong. I dont know what:

  1. new IP
  2. New token
  3. restart of brigde
  4. change of Token and IP in the secret config


The ambiguity here is that technically the apartment door is also the entry of the house. :slight_smile:

That’s why I prefer to distinguish with gate and door. :slight_smile:

My wife has exactly the same problem… While my phone is detected when I am 4 meters away, my wife sometimes has to wait 20-30 seconds before it opens.
Thats why I created two NFC tags. One triggers a Shelly which I put behind the push-button which opens the house door from inside the appartment and sticks near the front house door.
The other unlatches the nuki lock and sticks near the appartment door. We still need to get the mobiles out, but we don’t need to open an App/HA and push a button, we just scan this tags.

I know in other languages it might called house. Here not :wink:

new IP? why? are you sure you’re pointing to the right IP? redo the callback/list command from shell and report the result.

clearly, the commands to the bridge are not working in your case…show me the shell command you use to communicate with the bridge, and also the 4 secrets once again…just mask the token.

Did you delete that wrong callback you had on the bridge?