Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

So if someone has your phone they can enter your apartment without even unlocking the phone?

I don’t like too much automation vs security. But it’s a personal preference obviously.

Again it is 8123; this is the port resulting from the HA internal url


You showed me this, and there was 8123:8000. And /nuki at the end. That’s totally wrong, and Nuki Card can’t create a callback url like that.


The 4 secrets look ok. If the IP is correct (I don’t know this, only you can), then go to a shell and issue the curl command to list all the callbacks, do a screenshot of the whole shell window, just to be sure, and post it here. Thanks.

you’re right that was before. The new one attached

great, and this was added automatically or you did it manually?

No, of course not. It has to be unlocked by fingerprint. But I don’t need to open another app which would be analoge to searching for a certain key.

automatically, but nethertheless the callback is disconneted in the card…

some command to the bridge failed. you need to refresh the rest sensors. you can do it without restarting HA: go to Server Controls, where you restart HA, and down in the list click this.


So you unlock the phone and what do you do? You open an app to scan the tag?

Also, in Dev Tools, Template section, paste this on the left section and show me the result you see on the right.

{{ state_attr('sensor.nuki_bridge_callback_list','callbacks') }}

No, like with NFC paying I just get close to the tag with my mobile.
The HA App is needed for that, but - as said - no need to open it.

FYI This
{{ state_attr(‘sensor.nuki_bridge_callback_list’,‘callbacks’) }}
will throw a `TemplateSyntaxError: unexpected char ‘‘’ at 14

{{ state_attr('sensor.nuki_bridge_callback_list','callbacks') }}

Interesting, because you need to unlock it. But still, for me it’s not enough, I prefer to lose 30 seconds and do it with the app. :slight_smile:

no change after the command


that single quote is wrong…copy&paste error? or you input manually?

Sorry, try with this:

{{ state_attr('sensor.nuki_bridge_callback_list','callbacks') }}

Not enough security? Well I believe its the same. If I have your phone and being able to unlock it, I am in your house too. No?

I used the quote tag instead of code, my bad. Retry now, I edited the post. :slight_smile:

I am good, Peter wasn’t.