Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Not quite…you need to know which app, and the app is protected. :slight_smile:

Peter, restart HA and pray…:sweat_smile:

Okay, I see, here too. But here there is also no hint at all that the door can be opened by scanning a tag. The tags are white on a white background - almost not to see. And if you were able to open the door, you would get in deep trouble by two cats.

Neighbours look at you…trust me. :sweat_smile:

You made my day. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah usually. But this is a penthouse, so no one has a visual to this floor and my door.

Show me this in Dev Tools after restart:

{{ state_attr('sensor.nuki_bridge_callback_list','callbacks') }}

But if you get at the door with somebody…they see how you open the door. Don’t tell me you’re always alone when you open the door. :slight_smile:

Anyway, on the house main door I’m paranoic, I know. No full automations and no easy entrance, sorry. My wife has tried to convince me, but I refused. :slight_smile:

I didn’t tell her we have two Nuki FOBs, otherwise she would want one. :smiley:

I prayed nothing happned. But no surprise, the pope is near to you not to me. The dev. tool showed Nothing at all?!

I really had to think about that for a while. Most of the time I am alone or with the wife, yes. Does this sounds strange to you?
And most of the time (99,5%) nukis unlatching work and I don’t have to scan.
For the house door (gate) and the DIY opener we are the only one who can use the tag since it communicates with my HA.
Advantage: when this tag is scanned I get a notification so I know the wife is there in less then one minute :wink:

you don’t need the tag I call you in the future when she left me;-)

I am sorry for you, she prefers guys with working automations.

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He’s not my friend. :slight_smile:

If the dev tool showed you nothing, try this: go into Dev Tools, States section, and where you see the red rectangle in the following screenshot write callback_list. It should filter all entities with that value, show me the result.

“Hello, I’m Alessandro…” :sweat_smile:

good answer Joerg

Yes… it can happen when I get back home and there’s someone waiting (a technician to repair something etc., and I don’t want them to see how I open the door). For example when the delivery guy brought the new washing machine, he had to take it inside, I came to open the door…etc.etc.

Anyway, if you’re happy, I’m happy…:wink:

He lives in a Penthouse!! :slight_smile:

Here in Italy, if you use that word, we immediately think at the magazine… :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Peter, that sensor is not initialized, that’s the root cause of your problems, it means that the REST call doesn’t work, but it’s really strange…only that one doesn’t work? Do the same thing and put the string nuki_bridge_endpoint, I want to see the other REST sensors status.

I see, yes. Usually in this cases I am there already.
Since I got it like this just for a couple of months I didn’t used it in front of someone else yet. But I’ll remind this.

Well you have two options, if you’re alone, tag, if not, you use the app. :slight_smile: