Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

I noticed it before 2 times, but i had not the time to look into it i only restartet ha and the problem was gone. Decided to post it now since the problem comes back repeated (but its not all 2 days, i think it is round about a week or so).
I have no script reloading my automations, but i often do this in the settings when i change something, automation, scripts, input helpers and so on. Maybe this could be the reason? I will check the card now after every reload, next one is with more detailed infos.
When this happens, is there a manual way to ‘restart’ the nuki automation so it gets all the variables again?

I guess that could be the trigger of the problem. Nuki Card is not only an automation, it’s a pretty big package leveraging a lot of HA’s functionalities (automations, input helpers, sensors, etc.). So when you reload only a “part” of that, there could be some depencies issue that cause your problem.

Best thing is: try to avoid doing that for a couple of weeks and see if the problem disappears. :slight_smile:

Well, good question. I could create a dependency list, so you reload with the appropriate order, but frankly speaking, I won’t do it, just restart HA like you do when you upgrade a component etc. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks. Since i am the only one with this problem i also think reloading is the trigger of my problem. In future i will restart ha at the end of my improvements/work so the nuki card has had a clean start.

Unfortunately that’s the downside of not having a custom component but relying only on HA automation features and standard entities. Hope one day a python dev will step forward and gives us his help to port this to a full python component. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the great work!

I am having a small issue with my Nuki Opener that Im wondering whether anybody has solved so far.

If I enable the suppress ringing feature of the opener, I am unable to receive information whether something has rung the doorbell or not. Is this a limitation of the Nuki Opener?

Hi Phillipp, welcome onboard.

I don’t quite understand the issue: you suppressed ringing, but you want to know when someone rings? :slight_smile:

Probably I’m missing something, since I don’t use the Opener, if you can explain it better for me I can try to help.



The Opener has the option to suppress the ringing of the doorbell (which I want to use as the doorbell is supremely annoying).

However, I still want to be able to create a notification on my phone when somebody does ring the doorbell (or presses the button so to speak). (via binary_sensor.nuki_opener_ring_action_state presumably)

Currently, this only works when I dont use the suppression feature.

I hope this is a bit clearer on what I mean.

Now I understand. From what I read in Nuki forums, that feature suppresses RTO function. Users say that suppressing also disables the opening of the gate/door. Is that your case?

Opener problem when activating ring suppression - device: STR HT3022/03 - Discussion - Nuki Developers

That would explain why you don’t see any event from the bridge.

I dont use the RTO feature.

I open the door from my phone (via Home Assistant) or from my watch (via the Nuki App). So the only people to ring the doorbell are people that want to ring the doorbell.

The only thing I wanted was for HA to still register if the doorbell was rung or not, even when the ring is being supressed by the Opener.

Sadly, it seems as if thats a problem then.

From what I understood, Suppressing Ring doesn’t mean “mute the sound” but effectively disable the detection of the ring button press.

But I’m not 100% sure, you should read the Nuki forum, there are a lot of posts about this suppression feature.

I can assure you that if the bridge sends a callback event, Nuki Card processes it. If no callback comes from the bridge, you’ll never see that someone pressed the button.

BTW: is there a HA app for smart watches? I remember some Nuki Card user managed to use it also on the smart watch, there must be some plugin for HA. :slight_smile:

Not as far as I know. There is a Nuki APP for Smartwatches, which is what I have on my watch.

Maybe Shortcuts on iOS and Apple Watches are a thing? Personally I use Garmin watches, so I dont really know.

Supressing the Ring means not sending the ring signal to the intercom. Thats how it works in the nuki app.

There is the possibility to set it, if you have activated Ring to open, Continuous mode and also for the “normal” ring. The Opener recognizes the ring but does not sent the ring signal to the intercom so it does not make a sound or anything else.

My problem is that if I suppress the ring, Home Assistant does not register that a ring has happened.

I dont know if its a problem with the nuki card, the opener or the bridge.

But you see the ring in the nuki app?

Good idea, I actually havent looked at that. Ill have to test that tomorrow.

Nuki Card processes all callbacks received from the bridge: if you suppress the ring, and Opener doesn’t callback when someone rings, there’s nothing Nuki Card can do. Probably what Nuki devs thought when implementing suppressing function was that if you don’t want to send the signal to the intercom, you don’t even want to know if someone rang. But I’m just speculating here…so I asked one of the devs:

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Ciao Alessandro,
comincio facendoti i complimenti per questa integrazione fatta veramente bene.
poi vorrei chiederti un aiuto per la mancata visualizzazione di stato sulle schede. Non so come spiegarmi bene ti allego uno screenshot sperando che si capisca. in pratica non mi rileva quando avviene un cambiamento di stato.

Ciao Davide,

dovresti farmi vedere l’intera card con tutti i sensori. Se non vedi cambiamenti di stato è perché non stai ricevendo callback dal bridge. C’è un sensore per la funzione callback, è attivo quello? Se non lo è, la causa è quella.

Ricordati di disinstallare l’integrazione ufficiale di HA se la stai usando in parallelo: il bridge non può gestire più di un comando alla volta, e avendo l’integrazione Nuki ufficiale di HA si creano problemi.

Fammi sapere.

Ho rimosso l’integrazione Nuki da quelle ufficiali di HA come mi hai detto. però il problema non cambia.
Io ho semplicemente copiato l’intera card che hai postato tu. Ovviamente modificando il token e url personali.
ho visto che avevi fatto delle correzioni con l’aiuto di un utente per i vari sensori. quella parte è già inserita all’interno del file su gitub che hai messo, oppure è da correggere in autonomia?

Davide, mi fai vedere lo screenshot della card per cortesia? Vorrei vedere lo stato dei sensori della card. :slight_smile:

uno screenshot così:

L’ultima versione del codice la trovi nel link del primo post. Non ci sono versioni più recenti.