Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Ecco a te.

A me sembra tutto funzionante. Compreso il sensore “Nuki Bridge Callback” che indica la corretta configurazione del bridge. Se apri la porta cosa succede? Se fai lock cosa succede?

Clicca sul sensore Nuki Door State ed espandi gli attributi in basso, poi inviami uno screenshot, così:

Il problema lo riscontro proprio in questa scheda, come puoi vedere non visualizzo nessun cambiamento di stato.

Trigger ID vuoto vuol dire che non hai mai ricevuto una callback dal bridge. Il bridge è attivo? Lo raggiungi via ping dall’host HA?

Fai un restart di HA. E subito dopo rifammi uno screenshot come quest’ultimo. Poi apri la porta, aspetta 10 secondi, e rifammi lo stesso screenshot.

Mandami anche lo screen della card completa, insieme a quei due.

Nel log vedevi errori? Controlla anche il log di HA dopo il restart.


Hi everybody, I opened a Nuki Card server on Discord.

For support, if you prefer to chat instead of posting, that’s a good place to start.

I’ll try to be there when I’m available. Feel free to join. :slight_smile:

How do i “install” the thing. Do I copy the GitHub code part by part. For example the automation code in my automation yaml. Or is there an other way. What is this with config/packages. Do I have to create this folder and then?

Did you read the first post? I described step-by-step procedure, and I created a package so you only need to create one file containing all the code:

Can’t make it easier than this. Please read the first post carefully and execute step-by-step.

anybody having this error in logs:

Error fetching data: none failed with The request to ':///' is missing either an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.

Everybody has it, already discussed many many times: the REST sensors are defined using variables, when HA starts the REST sensors are initialized before the variables that define them, so HA throws an error/warning. As soon as the variables (input_text) are initialized, the REST sensors are ok.

Simply ignore that.

as fw version 2.x is needed, am i right, that this is not working with the nuki bridge v1? my newest available firmware is 1.18.3.
nuki says:

We changed the chipset to match that in the Smart Lock in an - other than that - unchanged Nuki Bridge. So the Bridge will work in the same way as usual

so for my understanding it should work…

i am asking because my lock actions are greayed out:

when i start HA its not greayed out (but not working), some one else here had this problem but was not on newest HA firmware (i am on 2021.9.7). nuki card automation is available.

i also checked the callback entry in the nuki bridge and it was created with the longtime webhook

so general communication seems to work

It should. We tried with another user, unfortunately the hw of v1 is even worse than the bad v2, too unreliable to work with. The other user is replacing it with a v2.

I don’t think what Nuki devs said is correct: there was missing info in the json data we received while testing.

So my suggestion is to replace it with a v2. Sorry about that.

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Hi, all. I managed to configure Nuki custom integration but status of every entity is not updating. It is updated only on HA restart. What am I doing wrong?

callbacks are not working for you, could be wrong configuration of the LL token or the configuration of the bridge.

show me a screenshot of the entire card so I can see the status of the sensors: the callback sensor should be Online, if not, you’ll never receive the callbacks.

show me also the config of the 4 secrets, mask the sensitive content of the token if you want, I need to see URLs, etc.

I’ve got exactly the same problem that it only updates on HA restart. But I’ve got a feeling that the Nuki support changed something with my Opener/Bridge because it didn’t work in the beginning. So they changed some internal settings that is not open to the public for me.

Are you still having problems? You didn’t reply to my last answer to you…:slight_smile:

Anyway, if you are still using this config for the secrets, the problem is the HA internal URL:


The bridge does not know how to resolve homeassistant.local. Unfortunately, HA devs decided to use mDNS stuff that creates MANY MANY issues to users.

Replace homeassistant.local with the IP address, or, better: configure a proper hostname in DNS for HA, so other clients can resolve its ip address, and always use that in URLs. That is why you don’t receive callbacks from the bridge.

Let me know. Probably @tomkorelo issue is the same, that’s why I wanted to see his 4 secrets config too.

Yeah I checked all the things you told me and it still didn’t work so I thought it was of the internal changes Nuki Support did on my Opener/Bridge and just gave up.

But that solved it for me, everything works now! Thanks

I’m sorry. Unfortunately HA and DNS issues are more common than most people think.

Glad it’s working for you now.

Ive found a solution for my problem.

It seems that for my Intercom STR HT2003/2, the cableplan in the Nuki app was incorrect, which lead to it generally working, but seemingly having some issues with the ring suppression.

I rewired the cables somewhat and now its working as I would expect. Suppressing a ring actually supresses it, but it still notfies HA via the webhook.

Thanks Philipp.

Nuki Card is very transparent on this, it basically receives callbacks from the bridge and updates the sensors, nothing more. So either it was a bridge fw bug or something else related to the hw.

I updated Stephan (nuki dev) about your solution.

Hello @alexdelprete again :slight_smile:

I know that you are not using opener, but I have a problem, I can’t open the front door via this rest command:

service: rest_command.nuki_lock_action
  nuki_id: 685954282
  dev_type: 2
  action: 2

It works from card
This what I can see in my logs: