Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Whats the Call Service Command for:


i want to create 3 Seperate Buttons

@alexdelprete according to NUKI website, battery life for the Nuki Pro 3 with an additional bridge increases from around 4 to 6 months. Next to that, however i do not have a lot of hope, i see quitte some people are voting to enable local API on the Nuki Pro 3 on Nuki forums.

I will decide later about my next step, first have some other issue to solve

(example: the iOS app needs to be on the same Acces Point as the Nuki Lock to be able to access the Nuki lock in the iOS app, while thats not required for the Android app. And yes i can ping the IP of lock on my iPhone also from different AP in same home network with share DHCP).

Thanks for your help, i am following closely.


These are the 3 HA service calls.

Did you read the instructions on the repo? There’s everything, also the services call.

If they want the bridge api on the lock it means they want always-on wifi on a battery device, it means you recharge it every couple of days. :sweat_smile:

they already made a mistake adding wifi on the lock instead of zigbee/zwave, they won’t make another mistake on top of that. :slight_smile:

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where i find the instructions???

For the custom component (Nuki NG): GitHub - kvj/hass_nuki_ng: Better support for Nuki devices in the Home Assistant

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ahh. there we go, thank you

guys, want to add a simple button aiming to lock/unlock/open Nuki on lovelace, however seems that below code have added to scripts.yaml is not working. What am I missing here?

  alias: Nuki_Open
    - service:
      entity_id: lock.nuki_lock_action
        activity: "Nuki Open"

  alias: Nuki_Lock
    - service: lock.lock
      entity_id: lock.nuki_lock_action
        activity: "Nuki Lock"
  alias: Nuki_Unlock
    - service: lock.unlock
      entity_id: lock.nuki_lock_action
        activity: "Nuki Unlock"

Thank in advance.

You’re using Nuki Card, not the Nuki NG custom component, right? I would advice to switch to the component but if you need scripts to make buttons, check this post.

The battery lifetime is a huge over promise - would not place too much reliance. I bought the battery pack for a nuki 2.0, 6months they indicate but that’s perhaps for people who don’t unlock /lock their door; in my experience 6 to 8 weeks is more accurate. I had the pack replaced by customer service; replacement pack has exactly the same issue.

I have the 2.0 since august, still the original batteries (not rechargeable), I open and close at least once a day. It tells me 62% left.
If someone has experienced low battery, how does Nuki behave ? Does it die suddenly or are there other symptoms before that ?
Why I ask ?
For a week or two, I get the “jammed” status every now and then. I don’t see a reason.
Although it’s almost when I changed from the card to the custom component ? Could it be ?
Or could it be that with colder weather, the Nuki has troubles ? (it’s on my front door, and I’ve noticed Nuki Lock gets kind of cold)

First of all, thanks a lot for this! It is amazing :slight_smile: Recently joined HA and this was a must have/1st integration to enable!

Could anyone share or provide pointers on how to trigger a HA notification/action once the Opener gets a ring?


p.s. I don’t have Ring to Open active.

First of all, thanks for the awesome HACS integration!

Quick question regarding an automation we used to figure out together with the Nuki Card V11.

How to implement this with the new custom component? Same problem as before: I can’t use the RTO = active condition because it gets disabled (locked) as soon as someone rings the door.

Any ideas? Any help is appreciated!

This automation for the custom component would open the yourlock1 if:

The group is at home
RTO is (was) enabled and the doorbell rings

- id: "nuki_rto_unlock_smartlock"
  alias: "Nuki RTO Unlock SmartLock "
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.nuki_youropener_state
      from: 'rto active'
      to: 'opening'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.nuki_youropener_state
      from: 'rto active'
      to: 'open'
    - condition: and
        - condition: state
          entity_id: group.awesome_people
          state: home
    - service:
      entity_id: lock.nuki_yourlock1_lock


If you don’t use RTO then you have to use the ring_action binary_sensor (for me it’s binary_sensor.nuki_opener_ring_action)
The trigger would look like:

    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.nuki_opener_ring_action
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'

Thanks for your quick help @madface! Worked like a charm. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for providing support Mike, I appreciate it.

After updating home assistant to the latest version, I noticed these warnings in the logfile. Functionality doesn’t seem to be impacted.

2022-02-03 22:43:35 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template warning: 'int' got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template '{% if states('input_number.nuki_bt_state') | int == 1 %}
{% elif states('input_number.nuki_bt_state') | int == 2 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}' but no default was specified. Currently 'int' will return '0', however this template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2022.1

I’m not maintaining Nuki Card anymore, since it has been ported to a custom component (check first post), you can find it here:

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Sorry, my bad. Honestly didn’t see the update, I just skimmed the first post to see if there was a new version.

Thanks, I’ll check out the new component.

No problem, we’re still here in case you need support for the component. In case of problems write here or open an issue on github.

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