Nuki - Homeassistant - Apple Homekit

Hello, I have a Nuki Smartlock 3.0 Pro and the Nuki Bridge.
I have tested the original Nuki integration from Homeassistant and the integration via HACS and have the following problem: Unlocking and locking works perfectly; but “open the door” because I have a knob / rod doesn’t work and I can’t integrate it into my Apple Homekit via Homeassistant.

Hi, I have the exact same problem.

Homekit new architecture (since 16.2 and 16.4) has issues with Nuki 3.0 pro timing out (I have multiple AppleTV4Ks and homepod). It’s too random. So, I added MQTT broker to Homeassistant (HASS) and configured Nuki lock to connect to HASS via MQTT. Opening, locking, unlocking the NUKI via HASS all goes INSTANTLY. So I exposed the lock via Homekit. I can unlock it and lock it… but I can’t open the door. (When NUKI is connected directly to Homekit, the door opens with the unlock command).

Is there a way to map the HASS OPEN command to Homekit Unlock command?