Nuki Opener – open door when bells rings twice?

I am not referring to a movie – I want to integrate the Nuki smart lock 3 and the opener. We live in a house and the door should became smart with the Nuki smart lock. For the door at the fence in front of the house I will integrate the Nuki opener. Idea: it should not open the door at the fenace not when the bell rings once, but when it rings twice. I do not want to open it, whenever just someone rings. But for my little son, who does not have a key, it should open, when he rings twice.
Is this possible in HA? Something like setting up a rule. When bell rings count 15 second, when bell rings second time in these 15 seconds, then open door at fence. After 15 sec: stop.

Possible, yes but safe, no.

You can use a history stats counter and have it set to 15 seconds.
When this counter reaches 2 then open the door.

I think you could set the start and end parameters to count a sequence instead.
So now - 5 seconds to now -3 seconds should have 2 rings.
Then now -3 seconds to now should have 3 rings.
Or something like that.

I just had a look at this opener thing but there is very little information about it.
How is it connected to the intercom?

Possible, yes but safe, no.

Not safe or not running stable?

How is it connected to the intercom?

It will be wired with my Siedle intercom. This is supported. And I am quite sure this will work. It contains four batteries to ensure Bluetooth connection to the bridge, which is connected via WLAN to my network / HA.
The thing is, I am a mouse mover not a coder… so I need a little help with setting up the rule.

Possibly both, but mostly that you will let anyone in your house.

What does the integration look like, is it a sensor or a binary sensor that triggers when someone presses the button?

Not in my house - only in the garden. So I do not worry. Everyone else can climb over the fence or even over the fence (which is only 80 cm high) to my neighbour.
I already thought to enhance the “open when it rings twice - script”. I could send a notification, that also contains a picture from my Axis-Cam of that moment, when the fence-door opens. So I can see, who enters my garden.

What does the integration look like, is it a sensor or a binary sensor that triggers when someone presses the button?

I will see. I think I will go for it and will report. Unfortunately I have to wait, as the version 3 is not available yet.

I don’t have the opener, only the lock, but I’ll try something that you’ll have to debug :wink:
3 automations :

  • on first press, just set an input boolean to true (you know it’s first because input boolean is false)
  • on second press (you know it’s second because input boolean is true !), open the door
  • after X seconds, if input boolean is true, set it to false (stops second press detection, otherwise the second guy ringing would open the door, even hours after the 1st one already gave up !)

I would also make a 4th automation, triggered by door button too, that takes and store the picture. If you make it a 4th independant automation, you can take picture of whoever rings, even just once.

# detect 1st press and sets the boolean
- alias: 'First press'
  id: 'First press'
  mode: single
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.garden_door_button
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.pressed
      state: 'off'
    service: input_boolean.turn_on
    entity_id: input_boolean.pressed

# detects 2nd press to open the door
- alias: 'Second press'
  id: 'Second press'
  mode: single
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.garden_door_button
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.pressed
      state: 'on'
    - service: lock.unlock
      entity_id: lock.nuki_opener_action

# resets the pressed boolean after delay
- alias: 'Reset pressed'
  id: 'Reset pressed'
  mode: single
    - platform: state
      entity_id:  input_boolean.pressed
      to: 'on'
        seconds : 5
    service: input_boolean.turn_off
    entity_id: input_boolean.pressed

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Sounds promissing. I have registered at nuki website for the nuki3. I hope it will be availiable from next week on. Maybe I can start palying next week.