Nuki Smart Lock 2.0 - support all available API actions (i.e. add lock/unlock)

No, it says “capteur de porte coincé” (it is a french version). And then I found that re-calibrating solve (temporary) the problem but may be it is not necessary to do that.

I just tried removing the Nuki bridge. I re-calibrated the door sensor again (just to be sure) and I tried many open/close and lock/unlock of the door. Until now I have not get “capteur de porte coincé”. By the way, Nuki app only update door sensor every 20". With HA and the callback thing, it is updated almost immediately. May be too much solicitations from HA (tests condition) drive to a bridge/lock bug related to the door sensor ?

I checked the Nuki Log - it says Door sensor disturbed when this happens.

Probably the english translation of my “capteur de porte coincé”.

Joerg, now that everything refreshed, you see strange behaviours? If you open/close the door or lock/unlock the nuki, is door and lock refreshed fast via callback as it should?

Try to open/close the door faster than once per 20".

Maybe, but its a translation from German “Sensor gestört”
If I translate yours than it would be “door sensor stuck” right?

I am pretty sure it the same message.

Not after the first manually unlock. door sensor disturbed.
Than after a minute everything is normal.

Sorry can’t do that too often…

  • My cats find it interesting and wait outside because they see a chance to escape.
  • I have to walk back and forth 10 meters between the door and the desk each time :wink:

Set it in english while we’re testing. :slight_smile:

Set it in english while we’re testing, so we’re sure it’s the same msg. :slight_smile:

ahahahahahahah. The cat’s problems! :slight_smile:

Do what you can…don’t worry…and thanks for the help.

Sensor jammed @mahikeulbody is right.

I don’t know to do that within the app but “disturbed” and “coincé” are very similar, I have no doubt it is the same message since there are the same symptoms.

Let me check on my Nuki app…

I couldn’t do it in the app I had to set the phone to english.

You could do that from the HA android app (but that don’t solve the cat problem :grin:)

In italian…no issues regarding the sensor.

Writing in here from my mobile?


ahahahah. You guys are fantastic. :slight_smile:

Do you use Discord? we can debug it live if you want…my tag is @alexdelprete#5566

I think the problem you two are facing regards the physical doorsensor, probably sometimes it doesn’t work and so no callbacks are triggered. when you wait or retry it’s triggered, that’s why you think that it’s only a matter of waiting…

basically the Nuki Card unveiled an issue with your doorsensor…I’m trying to reproduce this here and I’m not able to, it works flawlessly and it’s also fast on the card, I can see the status changing immediately.

And I have no doorsensor strange statuses in the Nuki App log…

Guys, I have to say good evening and until tomorrow.
My wife arrived and we will have dinner soon.